Moving or Refinancing?
MOVING: You are required to give the buyer a copy of the Olney Oaks Resale Package. Contact us to obtain a certified copy. There is a $50 charge. Once the Treasurer has posted the fee to your Resident Center portal account you can pay electronically. Alternatively, you may mail us a check made out to Olney Oaks HOA. We miss you already!
REFINANCING: Contact us to obtain any information required by your lender.
The following documents may be accessed, downloaded, and printed for your review and understanding. These documents are considered “unofficial” and may not be used as part of a resale package when moving.
- Articles of Incorporation
- Bylaws
- Olney Oaks Covenants
- Dues Collection Procedures
- Common Areas Rules
- Townhouse Parking Rules
- Complaint Procedure
- Fines Rules
- Amenities Area Rules
Land Use Restrictions
- No profession or home industry shall be conducted in or on any part of a lot except for a “no impact” home-based business or a “registered” home occupation, including a family child care business, as defined by the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance and the Maryland Homeowners Association Act.
- No boarding or raising of animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind except domestic pets provided they are not kept, bred or maintained for commercial purposes. Domestic pets shall be registered, licensed and inoculated as required by law.
- No trailers of any type, recreational vehicles, or heavy commercial vehicles, may be parked in streets, yards, or townhouse parking areas for more than 24 hours, except Montgomery County zoning laws allow one recreational vehicle and one light commercial vehicle to be parked on your own property.
- Vehicles parked in front yards must be on surfaced areas. No more than 30% of front yards can be paved.
- Inoperable vehicles and unregistered vehicles without current license plates are not allowed anywhere on residential property.
- No exterior antennas of any type may be erected or maintained by owners except for television broadcast antennas attached to the apex of the roof or chimney and dish antennas one meter or less in diameter. When possible, dish antennas should be located at the rear or side of the house.
- No private structures shall be placed on common areas.
- Montgomery County requires permits for installing any fence over 30 inches high, putting a shed in your backyard, and modifications to your house. Call the Department of Permitting Services at 311 or 240-777-0311 for more information. Fences in Olney Oaks may not enclose a front yard.
Maintenance of Buildings and Lots
Owners of each lot must maintain all portions of his/her lot and the portion of the right of way along which the lot is located in good order and repair and in a neat, attractive condition. All additions and repairs must be done using materials having properties and qualities equal to or better than the original materials. Grass and weeds on lawn areas must not be allowed to grow more than 10 inches tall. Vegetation (trees, bushes, etc) must be maintained so they do not pose a danger and be trimmed to a height of eight feet above paths and sidewalks. If owner fails to trim branches overhanging sidewalks/paths, the Association can contract to have this work done with the cost being paid by the owner.
Covenant Complaint Procedure
Only the restrictions in the Declaration of Covenants and the rules established by the Board of Directors will be enforced by the HOA. All complaints must be submitted in writing (printed or emailed) to the Board of Directors. The complaint will be discussed in a closed meeting and if a determination that a violation does exist, the Board will notify the violator in writing.